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Few Words About Our Company

Heartiest welcome to the unique and wonderful world of financial freedom! SG MARKETING SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. provides you the unique and splendid opportunity to lead a successful and meaningful life with enough social and financial security and freedom. In this sense, SGM means RAY OF HOPE for those people who have burning desire to achieve financial freedom with self dignity, social status and to become a dynamic leader.

In recent years, the unemployment problem created due to the downsizing of employees in various government, private and public sector undertakings has caused a severe threat to the socio-economic development of the nation and it is high time to imitate a reliable way of self establishment for the new generations. The network marketing business, based on real and scientific ideas, has inaugurated a new ray of prosperity and provides a glorious way for attaining socio-economic development. By adapting an effective and systematic work plan, every person of the society can proceed towards attaining financial freedom with the help of co-operation among us. Amidst such a critical socio-economic phenomenon, SGM has introduced a unique network plan, based on all round development of the society that enables a person to work for self development and welfare of the human being.

Our aim is not only to earn money and wealth, but also to extend helping hand to all for achieving all round development of the entire team through a well synchronized system which is transparent and simple. We believe in implementing right thing in a right time through a realistic way. We provide you the opportunity to achieve your dreams by way of financial upliftment through using the concept of leveraging. So it provides everyone to “EARN SMART INSTEAD OF EARNING HARD”.

We solicit your active support, guidance, consultancy and co-operation for our various upcoming ambitious projects. Your endeavour for achieving your dreams is highly solicited and we are committed to extend our best service and support towards you with highest dedication.

What we believe


All we have dreams to live a successful life with enough social and financial freedom, but maximum people fail to achieve it during their lifetime. The prime reason is that most of the people are living in a “bucket carrying world”. The major part of the world population is engaged in common traditional income sources where people get paid only when they do the work, i.e. most of the people are simply “bucket carriers”. The life of the people living in the bucket carrying world is not financially secured and they have to live a compromised life amidst struggle and frustration. On the other hand, anyone who builds a “pipeline” deserves the valuable power of ongoing money and wealth. “Network Marketing” is the ultimate choice for the common masses who are willing to build a pipeline for abundant & ongoing flow of money & wealth for the generations to come.

Network marketing is a revolutionary concept of the new era of economy that provides an effective, efficient and life changing opportunity to all the sections of the society for attaining financial freedom, social status and worthy lifestyle. Now the importance of network marketing is not only recognized as a proven way for attaining financial freedom, but also included as an academic syllabus in various colleges and universities across different countries of the world.

Network marketing provides the following opportunities:-

  • To develop helping nature to attain financial freedom for self & others.
  • To love and to work for the welfare of the human society.
  • To achieve personality development.
  • Proper utilization of talent and potential for self development and development of the society as a whole.
SG SPOT BENEFIT is offering a time tested and realistic life changing opportunity and it has started a journey of socio-economic revolution of the nation. Instead of organized retailing, a person can earn unlimited money and wealth within a limited time period by building up a proven network marketing base. We provide the most realistic and lucrative way to accumulate abundant money and wealth by organized team work from generation to generation. Our Vision:-
To create a scientific, practical and realistic atmosphere to provide unlimited opportunities for attaining socio-economic freedom of the greater section of the society.
Our Mission:-
  • To create awareness and to provide necessary requirements for maintaining good health.
  • To provide unique and wonderful life changing opportunities for all to achieve financial freedom.
Our Motto:-
Creation and implementation of a lucrative system to all that enables a person for “EARNING FROM EXPENDITURE”.


At the doorstep of SG SPOTBENEFIT, I would like to welcome everyone to a wonderful world of socio - economic freedom.

SG MARKETING SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. provides you the unique and splendid opportunity to lead a successful and meaningful life with enough social and financial security and freedom.

Our aim is not only to earn money and wealth, but also to extend helping hand to all for achieving all round development of the entire team through a well synchronized system which is transparent and simple.

Despite various challenges, we intend to establish a proven and scientific socio- economic base with our vision “Earning form Expenditure” that enables all the citizens to the sustainable development and contribute to the society as a whole in order to deliver continuous benefits.

Wishing you all for happy and prosperous life.